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About Us
About Us

About Us:

TCA Geomática is a company established in 1995 that specializes in Applied Geomatics. It staffs 40 professionals and is located in the Seville province, where it has two offices: the registered office is located in the science and technology park Cartuja 93 (Seville, Spain), and the headquarters and production center are located in the town of Alcalá de Guadaíra (Province of Seville, Spain.)
TCA has known how to diversify its cartographic production in order to become a company specialist on all topics included under the term Geomatics. The company has a highly specialized staff and features a powerful and sophisticated computer system, as well as the latest technical means (equipment and software) for SIG, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Topography, Orthophotography, Territory and Town Mapping, Satellite Mapping, Historical Heritage Mapping, Cadastral Implementation and Maintenance, Municipal Statistics and Population Maintenance, Town-planning and Fiscal Work, and Valuations and Expropriations.
Since its establishment, it has been working steadily for central, autonomous, and local administrations on all kinds of cartographic and cadastral projects.
It is important to highlight the constant collaboration and investigation work with the innovation and research centers of our country, which result in the contribution of innovative and high-quality products.
TCA's large production, both in Spain and abroad, guarantee the company's experience. It exceeds 3,000,000 hectares of territory mapping production and 150,000 of town mapping, as well as the incorporation of more than 200,000 cadastral units.
As a consequence of the finished projects, TCA possesses the specific technical means, and has a qualified staff with an extensive professional experience, to undertake any project with a significant spatial or geographic component.


TCA Geomática
TCA S.A., All Rights Reserved, 2009-2013
Registered Office in Cartuja 93: C/ Américo Vespucio, 5 acc A, Locales 1, 2 y 7, 41092, Sevilla (Spain) 
Headquarters and Production Center: Av. Príncipe de Asturias, 9, Edificio TCA, 41500 Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla (Spain)
Phone: +34 (954) 467-049